Jon Trickett MP
Jon Trickett MP

From the many emails, letters, telephone calls as well as social media contacts I receive, it is clear people in our area are suffering as a result of 9 years of Tory austerity, yet the Government tell us things are getting better. People definitely don’t feel it around here.

I have put together this survey for residents of Hemsworth Constituency and hope you will help by letting me know exactly what your big concerns are and what you think about Labour’s pledges. I hope you will take time to fill it in.

With best wishes,

Jon Trickett MP


The Big Issues Survey

  • The price of many everyday services and purchases are rising faster than wages and income. What would you say has affected you the most? (Please tick all that apply)
  • As we all know, Tory cuts have affected all of us in the North unfairly, which cuts have affected you?
  • The NHS is in Crisis. It is the fault of this Tory government and the failures of privatisation causing increasing A&E waiting times, fewer beds and not enough doctors and nurses. Labour will change that. We will give the NHS the funding it deserves to make sure you get the best treatment.
  • Labour will guarantee a real living wage of £10 as the minimum wage for everyone, including young people. This will provide the economic security people round here need.
  • The climate is facing an emergency and Labour want to be part of the solution. In government we want to implement a Green New Deal that will boost our economy as well as help our environment with sustinable industries and promote renewable energy so that future generations can prosper.
  • Every child deserves a good meal whilst at school. That is vital to their education and development.
  • The Tories keep toying with scrapping vital concessions that vulnerable elderly people rely on. Labour would never do that. We believe pensioners who have worked hard all their life deserve the dignity they have earnt. We will protect the Winter Fuel Allowance, free TV licences and buss passes
  • If there was a general election tomorrow, which political party would you vote for? If you agreed with the Labour Party's pledges then vote Labour to make them a reality
  • Which political party did you vote for at the 2017 General Election?
  • Thank you for filling out my survey. Your personal information will be kept private and held securely. It will not be shared with any third-party or used for any other purpose than this petition.
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